Something in the air smells different.

      Mmm. It smells CLEAN.

      It smells PINK.

      And yellow, green and blue.

      Throw the windows wide, open all the doors, scrape the crust off the barbecue grill. Upper 70s – and possibly 80s, dare I say outloud?! – is being forecasted for this weekend. Happy happy joy joy! Spring in Boston is a fickle, moody thing, so I’ll be stuffing myself to the gills with as much of it as I can.

      South End cat taken on our street; pink magnolias and tulips flower along Commonwealth Ave in the Back Bay; mastiff (I think?) lounging in front of Looc in the South End.


      Just wanted to pop in and say how much I love your photography. It’s wonderful and I always enjoy seeing new pics. Best of luck with your

      Oh! These are the happiest photos of the day! I love the shots of the kitty enjoying the day.

      Beautiful! Stunning vibrancy in all of them.

      The last 2 are my favorite!

      I love the cat in the window photos!

      OMG The cat pictures are fantastic! I love the big mastiff too. All your blog does is make me want a dog so badly! (I already have 3 cats, I don’t think I could deal with another cat!) Your photographs are so amazing!

      Li I love your pet photography! Really outstanding.

      Your pictures are just. plain. gorgeous. GORgeous. Luckily we’re having spring in Maine this weekend too* or I would be incredibly jealous.

      *We’ll see if it continues. . .

      Oh my gosh, those kitty photos are just divine. Your blog has fast become one of my absolute FAVOURITE blogs of all time. I can’t help but look at your photos and smile, you really invoke a “feel good” factor just being on the other end of this computer and being able to visit and see your photos.


      Loved the 1st photo so much it is now my screen saver.